About Electronic Enclosures Inc., and
Custom Development of Rack Mount Systems
Through his career Mr. Goss has been immersed in design and manufacturing – holding positions on both sides. He has lectured on this subject to 1,000s of working engineers about the importance and the integration of in-depth manufacturing process knowledge into design. He lectured nationwide and internationally for 10 years until his wife said “enough traveling!”
“Whether internal or outsourced, the designer or engineer must know his or her suppliers’ manufacturing processes and sequencing, what is cost-effective, what’s not, what the CNC machineries’ depth and breadth of capabilities are and tolerances the CNC machinery can hold repeatability without increasing costs. AND, this will be different for each supplier that provides the same process. Once you know all that about each supplier, these manufacturing capabilities insert themselves into the design methodology, approach and process. AND, not the other way around of designing and then addressing the manufacturing and costs . . .”

Mr. Goss, President & CTO
“It can’t end there. Whether internal or outsourced, every manufacturing facility has preferences driven by the workforce running the CNC machines followed by the numerous secondary operations. The workforce too must be known. With the knowledge of the CNC’s capabilities, available tooling, workforce preferences and capabilities the designer or engineer may then prioritize their effective use resulting in dramatic outcomes. When designers or engineers have enough knowledge and talent to go into the shop and produce what they design, you get a completely different result through an improved design resulting in greater repeatable quality, lower cost and quicker time-to-market with fewer missteps.”